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News - Page 80

Grow something different: create your own window farm!

Create a Window Farm to grow something different. If you want to grow your own vegetables but have little space, or even to try something completely new to usual, a window farm is a great way to maximise space and be creative.

Source: Image: Windowfarms.nl, 2016
Top 3 products you'll need for your DIY bottle garden

Terrariums have grown in popularity tremendously in recent years along with the houseplant trend, so it’s a great way to put your green fingers to use along with making an on-trend statement in your home.


Create a Bohemian indoor style

Create an indoor Bohemian style to give your interiors a lovely new look and feel. Boho chic is super stylish and very easy to achieve with the right plants and accessories.

Filter winter gales

Plant shelterbelts of shrubs or multi-stemmed trees to filter winter gales down to a gentle breeze, protecting vegetable crops and allowing you to grow a greater variety of plants in your garden. Place they carefully and they’ll also screen eyesores such as wheely bins, ugly fencing and walls.

Plant of the Week: Bromeliads

Bromeliads are rainforest plants, closely related to the pineapple, and are epiphytes – plants which grow on other plants, using their roots just to anchor themselves in place and collecting water and nutrients from rainwater.


Scottish Tree Festival

Scotland is celebrating the beauty and majesty of its trees with its first-ever Scottish Tree Festival, taking place in forests, woodlands, gardens and parks across the nation until December.

Colour your garden by planting winter bedding

Planting winter bedding is one of the best ways to fill your garden with colour through the winter months. 

What to do in the garden in November?

The first whisper of winter’s cold is on the breeze, but not to worry: November is a month of cosy indulgences from bonfires and flame-coloured trees to the rich flavours of the autumn harvest.

Plant of the Week: Cyclamen

These low-growing, shade-loving woodlanders are instantly recognisable with their swept-back shuttlecock blooms in pink, red and white

Remember, remember..

stack up a good hearty bonfire and enjoy the best fireworks display you can muster, perhaps accompanied by piping hot potatoes baked in the ashes.